Monday, November 8, 2010

Politics are important to me. Frankly I think politics should be important to everyone... but I know they're not. I love the process, I love the debate, I love the competition. (Can't help it, I'm a competitive person by nature, whether I like it or not...) I feel like everyone should care, simply because getting involved, whether it be by voting or volunteering, gives you a voice on issues that matter.
This last midterm election was pretty exciting for me. Anyone who knows me knows I have a hard time saying no to people, even people I don't know. Sigh. We volunteered in the 2008 election for Barack Obama, making phone calls, and Danny went door to door. This time around, when a member called wanting me to volunteer for the Bennet campaign, I couldn't say no. I spent last Sunday and Monday making phone calls and going door to door, talking with people about why it's so important that they exercise their right to vote and explaining some of the propositions and amendments on the ballot in our county. I'd like to say I made a difference- we did end up winning- but compared to the guys that spent weeks out there, it's a drop in the bucket. It made me feel really good to help, though. It's important to stand up for what you believe in. And I firmly believe that if you want to make a difference, if you want to change something, you have to go out and do it yourself. Too often we think that someone else will do it, will pick up the slack for the things we don't take initiative on ourselves. And really, they just won't...
I think I probably get myself into trouble with talking politics as often as I do. I know there aren't a lot of people that get as into it as I do, but that doesn't really stop me from trying to get them excited about it. Some chose not to talk about it because it does create controversy. It's hard to get along with some Republicans for me, even though I try (and I think I succeed, for the most part) to be respectful of other people's beliefs. I've been thinking a lot about why I am as liberal as I am. That list will probably come in a later blog once I've had the time to sit down and get all my thoughts out. Either way, regardless of political affiliation, I think it's important to be educated and have a reason for what you believe. If you know what you're talking about and have something to back up your reasoning, I can respect that.
Anyway, there isn't anything special about this particular post... just things I'm thinking about today. :)

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