Monday, November 8, 2010

We thought it would be pretty great to do a coat drive for the Denver Rescue Mission this year at one of the shows for the band Danny's in. The lady who runs the clothing drives for the mission said it's been a slow year with the economy being as crappy as it is, so hopefully lots of people will come out and help us out! If you can't make it, email me and I'll me up with you if you want to give a donation. I'd like to fill up at least my car! :)
Politics are important to me. Frankly I think politics should be important to everyone... but I know they're not. I love the process, I love the debate, I love the competition. (Can't help it, I'm a competitive person by nature, whether I like it or not...) I feel like everyone should care, simply because getting involved, whether it be by voting or volunteering, gives you a voice on issues that matter.
This last midterm election was pretty exciting for me. Anyone who knows me knows I have a hard time saying no to people, even people I don't know. Sigh. We volunteered in the 2008 election for Barack Obama, making phone calls, and Danny went door to door. This time around, when a member called wanting me to volunteer for the Bennet campaign, I couldn't say no. I spent last Sunday and Monday making phone calls and going door to door, talking with people about why it's so important that they exercise their right to vote and explaining some of the propositions and amendments on the ballot in our county. I'd like to say I made a difference- we did end up winning- but compared to the guys that spent weeks out there, it's a drop in the bucket. It made me feel really good to help, though. It's important to stand up for what you believe in. And I firmly believe that if you want to make a difference, if you want to change something, you have to go out and do it yourself. Too often we think that someone else will do it, will pick up the slack for the things we don't take initiative on ourselves. And really, they just won't...
I think I probably get myself into trouble with talking politics as often as I do. I know there aren't a lot of people that get as into it as I do, but that doesn't really stop me from trying to get them excited about it. Some chose not to talk about it because it does create controversy. It's hard to get along with some Republicans for me, even though I try (and I think I succeed, for the most part) to be respectful of other people's beliefs. I've been thinking a lot about why I am as liberal as I am. That list will probably come in a later blog once I've had the time to sit down and get all my thoughts out. Either way, regardless of political affiliation, I think it's important to be educated and have a reason for what you believe. If you know what you're talking about and have something to back up your reasoning, I can respect that.
Anyway, there isn't anything special about this particular post... just things I'm thinking about today. :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 29

I'm especially overwhelmed today. I can't seem to get ahold of my emotions or put a finger on what's really bothering me. I think what it comes down to is a simple feeling of uselessness.

Working in homeless shelters and doing the work that I do for a career opens me up to seeing a different side of society. Not everyone who is poor is stupid, or bad, or lazy. Not everyone who has committed a crime is a horrible criminal. Many of them didn’t have a chance to begin with. I have clients who didn’t have parents, or had one parent who had to work three jobs to feed her kids. This means no supervision, no one to care. This means kids get into trouble. This means kids get involved with gangs. This means kids looking to other sources for attention and acceptance and family.

Have you ever had contact with gang members? Real life, from the street gang members? I have. I do frequently. I’ve spent hundreds of hours with clients who are sitting in jail because of crimes committed involving drugs and gang activity. These are real people, with the same emotions and needs that anyone else has. A lot of times they are kids; young guys who don’t know anything different than the life they have. And most of them probably won’t ever know anything else.

How do you "rehabilitate" someone who is involved in a gang or has a criminal record? I’m not talking about child molesters- that’s a different topic and one I don’t understand well enough to talk about. I’m talking about guys who don’t feel they have any other option- real life Jean Valjeans. I’m talking about people who have to feed their families, who have to pay their rent, and who can’t get normal jobs because of their positions. It's not always as simple as right or wrong. People have to make decisions based on where they are in life- it's not as basic as one might think.

How do you tell someone that the only family they’ve ever known is only going to screw them over time and time again? How do you help someone make a change in their life- not a feel good for a moment change, but a long-term solution to a lifelong problem kind of change? How do you get someone to stop selling drugs when they literally cannot get a job that pays well enough for them to support themselves or a family? Don't tell me that there's always another option- I see every day that there's not.

Education is huge. And at this point, education is completely out of reach for a large portion of society. College is not affordable. Not only is it not affordable, it’s not something that does anyone much good anymore. Sure, if you’re a nurse or a doctor you can get a job. But a lot of people have business, communications, or other various degrees that can’t get jobs. There’s a ton of competition in this economy. There’s not a lot of opportunity. Knowing that, how to you encourage people to continue their education, when they know as well as I do that it’s not always enough to really change their lives?

Are we stuck in this way of society forever? If you’re born poor are you destined to stay that way? It certainly seems that way to me. And it’s one of the most heartbreaking things I can honestly say I have ever witnessed.

Not a day goes by that I don’t sit and think about what I can do to change things. I know I can’t change everything. I doubt I can change much of anything. But I desperately want to. More than anything, I want to see my clients become mentors for young people getting involved with gangs. I want to see them finish school and support their families in ways that are productive and legal and safe. I want them to have options and a life that is full of happiness, instead of brutality and pain. I also know I can’t give that to them. Most of the time I can't even point them in the right direction.

It’s overwhelming how much work there is to be done. It breaks my heart to know that there’s so much to do that it will never be accomplished. It makes me want to cry when I think of all the kids who will turn out to be hurt or even killed because they’re involved in a gang, or those who will turn to crime... Because once you do it, you can't go back. There aren't many second chances for some of the people I come into contact with.

This might be a depressing post. But more than anything, I want people to feel compassion and understanding for those who are different from them. Things aren't getting better for a lot of people. Things might never change. I can't make people work at the homeless shelter with me, I can't make them donate coats or give a crap about mentoring and getting involved. But I will do something. If it's only bitching about it until everyone hears me, that's what I'll do.

Getting Started

I'm not a blogger. I'm not a journal-keeper. But I have a lot on my mind, especially lately, and this seems like a good way to share it. I want to be understood and to be as honest a person as possible. It's important to be accountable, to be thorough, and to be thoughtful. I would like for people to know who I am and understand why I believe the things I believe. You may not agree with my point of view and that's fine- my main goal is to explain my views and have something to back them up with. Feel free to comment and debate! I'm always open to hearing new sides of something I see a particular way. Being open minded is something I feel is important to growth. And if we're not here to grow... What's the point?